WITHOUT HOLINESS WE WILL NOT SEE GOD I PART 02 02 PASTOR TÂNIA TEREZA And then we go on put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander together with all malice and be kind to one another tenderhearted forgiving one another as God and Christ has forgiven you be therefore imitators of Christ as beloved children well the recipe is right here under our nose well I need to conquer things to the.


Conquerors everything that has been created will be handed over as an inheritance new Heavens no Earth conquerors will govern with Christ throughout eternity because they will be children of God but the Conqueror needs to be cleansed and they must be full of the Holy Spirit there are two texts that are very interesting in the word of God and they speak to my.

Heart one speaks about the wedding of the Lamb it's a parable and Jesus spoke through Parables with his disciples and Parables were anecdotes mundane stories apparently stories that spoke about things they were used to fish Birds Plants but The Parables of Truth were full of mysteries of the kingdom of God and one day a disciple.

Asked Jesus why do you speak through Parables Jesus because it's not to all that is given to understand the mysteries of the heavens but to you I explained so parables are rather mundane stories simple stories Bladen with deep spiritual truths the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven and when we reach the parable of the wedding of the Lamb Matthew 22..

This is the story of a wedding the mating of Jesus with the church is a wedding in the revelation we see the meeting of the church with Jesus and we read about the wedding Banquets the bride is meaning the bridegroom who dressed up for this meeting Matthew 22 Jesus spoke to them again in.

Parallel saying the Kingdom of Heaven is like a king who prepared A Wedding Banquet for his son he sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come but they refused to come then he sent some more servants and said to those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner my oxen and fat and cattle have been butchered and everything is ready come to the wedding Banquets but they paid no attention and went off went to his field another to his business they don't want it the rest.

Seized as servants mistreated them and killed them even today they are persecuted those who preach the gospel are persecuted martyrs the king then was enraged and so the king said to his servants The Wedding Banquet is ready but those are invited do not deserve to come so go to the street corners and invite to the bank with anyone you find so the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find the bad as well as good call everyone invite.

Everyone everyone so the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find the bad as well as the good and the wedding hall was filled with guests but when the game came in to see the guests he noticed a man who was not wearing wedding clothes what are wedding clothes after all well they're clean.

Spotless stainless without a crease well have you ever seen a bright entering into the ballroom with stained clothes a stained dress coffee bolognese sauce well wedding dresses wedding clothes aren't clean the bride dresses up with clean clothes washed by the blood of the Lamb it's a paradox well how can blood clean it does.

The blood of Jesus has cleansed us and he arrives at the banquet the Kings wedding of his child the king is God Almighty the sun is the son who gave himself to conquer to a team all creation and he finds a man who's not wearing appropriate clothes and he asks amigo how did you get in here without wetting clothes friend how did you get in here.

Friend what did you get in here without wedding clothes friends when Jesus starts his ministry he calls his disciples as servants and he washes his he washes their feet to teach what serving is about Pastor I tell you says that the pastors are voluntary and those who work with us are also voluntary they serve us with hands and with their hearts hands because it it's very taxing it's very demanding and we need our heart to.

Love people in the middle of their walk he Jesus says you're not servants anymore you're friends my eyes but at the end of his walk and the resurrection of the Dead and we celebrated it's a Sunday of Resurrection Mary Magdalene first one to see him as a resurrected God do not hold me back I haven't yet Arisen to my father but tell your brothers that you have.


    Seen me that I have resurrected so he starts as Lord we're servants and then

    Servants to friends and then we end up as Lord servants friends and children because the blood had been shed when he shows himself to Mary Madeleine blood had already been shed he was not only the Lord he was the first born amongst many many siblings he was first the one and only begotten son but in the.

    Resurrection he's the first born amongst many siblings friend how did you get in here without wedding clothes and he was speechless the man was speechless because there was no excuse nothing to be said he couldn't say that he didn't know what that was about what what can cleanse one's clones he can he couldn't say that he didn't know the truth because the word had been taught to him.

    You are cleansed by the word says Jesus and the King does what then the king told the attendance tie him hand and foot and throw him outside into the darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth well what place is that what do you call it uh.

    Where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth what place is it I can't hear well again what is called the place where there's Darkness sweeping and gnashing of teeth hell so from the banquet to hell traits no stops from the Banquets party to Hell many are called but few are chosen.

    How many times have you heard this text in Matthew 22. in which we hear about Ministry how many a call to be ministers pastors the chosens are those who surrender themselves the missionaries in the Bible when we talk about chosen ones we're talking about cleanliness yes and when you understand this it sinks in the word of the Son of God.

    In his prophetic sermon when he talks about his return that is in mark 13. from verse 24 onwards we agreed but in those days after that Suffering The sun will be darkened the moon will not give it slight the Stars will be falling from Heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken then they will see the son of man coming in clouds with great power and Glory and he will send out the angels and.

    Gather his elect from the Four Winds who are the elect gather his elect from the Four Winds his elect are the conquerors his elect are those who can conquer sin his elect are those who are able to shut the door in the face of Satan his elect are those who are able to bring out of Darkness into the light their stories and others the conquerors are those who.

    Conquer the battle to win the battle in Galatians we see that there's a spiritual battle going on flesh against Spirit there's a battle there's a continual battle because blood and flesh cannot convert themselves it will go back to us they will not flesh and blood will not inherit the heaven whoever conquers those will win the battle and will be given a glorified body and they will be glorified with a.

    New body those who die in sin will be resurrected with a corrupted body there will be destruction Eternal destruction Eternal pain those die in Christ converted to Christ those who sanctify themselves those who conquer this battle will be given a new glorified body this is the elect there's a little detail there is a struggle between flesh and the spirit.

    It's in Galatians Galatians 5 we read about the struggle

    Between flesh and the spirit the more the flesh wins the less the spirit is able to produce something in us that transforms us into God's likeness God's DNA comes from his spirit because you are spirits we have sent to your hearts the spirit of his sons what spirit is of you lust prostitution lies.

    Promiscuity or is it the spirit of the son the more Sanctified we are the more of the spirit we will receive the Holier we get the more blameless in the midst of this generation the more the holy spirit will dwell in us the more he will give us prosperity to fulfill Our Calling the more he will give us Authority and power to do more and more than we can.

    Consider conceive and imagine those in me will do even greater things the holy spirit of God will be in me qualifying me giving me skills the head will be saying Amen to those things I'll be doing here on Earth if the holy spirit of God moves in me I sing like David I dance like David the holy spirit moves in me I'm in the.

    Likeness of Jesus if the holy spirit of God is in me I'm able to arise he will bring me unto himself come to me the Blessed of my father now the other Parable that you know very well the parable of the brides the ten Brides it's also speaking about the return of Christ he will come ten Brides half of whom are.

    Daydreaming half of them do not have oil in their lamp what is the oil what is it the spirit the Holy Spirit the oil is the Holy Spirit the oil is the Holy Spirit and those who don't have their lamps full of oil will be left behind they will see the doors being closed.

    The natural world connects with a spiritual world through doors this is the beginning the sin is at your door it's up to you to have dominion over it I'm at the door and I knock if you open I will come in and dine with you his return in Psalm 24. lifts up your head so Gates or Eternal Gates so that the king of Gloria might come in he has guaranteed to us that the gates.

    Of hell would not Prevail against Church now when he comes back to bring to himself the bride he himself will close the door if the bride is not full of the spirit and how is the Bride full of The Spirit Well when the bride conquers The Works of the flesh a struggle yes but the Conquering bride conquers the flesh how so through choices decisions.

    Cell phones are great you know your cell phone can lead you to heaven or hell it finds Wi-Fi but it can also lead you to heaven or to hell choices the way you dress up the way you carry yourself the way you relate to others the clarity in dealing with things forgiveness to those who transgress against you it's all there.

    Idolatry witchcraft same level as lies won't commend to the kingdom of Heavens it will be the second death or just a little white lie there's no such a thing the father of Lies who is he the devil you're either the Son of God or the son of the devil there's no midterm there's no midpoints.

    There's no halfway through holy person halfway through pregnant you're either pregnant or you're not you're either holy or you're not without holiness no one will see God no one will be chosen no matter how much power you have to implement projects in the church pay attention Jesus said that.

    Oh we expel demons in your name we have preached and prophesied in your name many people are here at the stage preaching spelling demons without holiness what do you think they will hear no have a day I know you not when Jesus went to Qatar and there are three Gospels portraying this the instance of the.

    Demonized from Katara and then there's one portrayal of the Demons going to the swines 2000 swines and when the demons came and saw Jesus they bowed down 2 000 Demons Inside that body Legion 2000 demons maybe even more maybe it could maybe each swine could have received two demons 2 000 demons bow down before Jesus.

    He is the Son of God I know well that you are the Son of God you are the son of God if you are made holy and the Holy Spirit comes into you two thousand demons will bow before you I think you can understand this if you are cleansed if the DNA of God is back in you and God fills you because in glory and through Glory you can come to the stature of.

    Perfect man the Bible says that we can if you are living with God full of God 2 000 demons will bow before you two thousand demons will bow before you and that is why the doors of Hell cannot Prevail against the church my dear fellows the church cleansed spotless having nothing in the hands of Satan the church that can hear from Satan what do I have with you.

    This church will speak and things will happen this church WIll manifest power on Earth there is a high expectation of all the universe so that the children of God might reveal themselves in the fullness of the nature of the perfect man the perfect woman in God blameless as stars in the middle of this corrupt generation.

    Are you getting used to those things in the world no you must be appalled enraged oh I can't do anything of course you can you can battle you can command Darkness to receive you have authority on Earth to do that but your Authority is correlate with your sanctification the cleaner you are the more of the spirit you will have the more of the spirit you will have the more things will happen the.

    Spiritual world God expects that from us there's no avail in taking part of conferences again and again and things don't change we need to set our lives straight it's in Ephesians do not steal anymore do not lie anymore cleanse yourself by preparing yourself to his return it's.

    About to happen it's very near do not be Reckless with your spiritual life do not be negligent in the knowledge of the word do not play around taking part of events from church to church without going deeper Intimates personal with him when was the last time you woke up in the middle of the night to speak to him to listen to God when you when did you.

    Last go deep in the word saying God I want to understand the Deep things of your kingdom when were you last concerned and becoming better than you were in the last event you took part I'm impressed because the seminar silk intensive seminar on healing and deliverance is an x-ray of the church the last seminar we had five countries represented people from all around the.

    World Austra Germany England Portugal the United States and Brazil people are in the church and there's no work on helium Deliverance they come in despair I need help help me please I'm not able to overcome a spiritual oppression I cannot overcome a sin and I it's been re-currence and ever stronger of course the enemy has abates ever better baits.

    Do not let anything in the hands of the devil run ask for help seek for help and do not trust that everything will work out fine at the end it's written it won't just little bits of idolatry well idolaters will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven woe unto me if I say something different than this how will they believe if there are no preachers Pastor speak the truth in your.

    Church do not Bamber people oh he was enraged he was offended by what you said well sorry but one day that seed will Sprout the word shall not come back voids the word of God says that we shall be Watchmen if we see a person heading towards death their blood will be asked from our hands now if we speak out and they do not heed.

    Well their blood will be on their own hands but we cannot remain silent go into the world preach the gospel to all creature those who believe and are baptized will be saved those who don't believe will be condemned but how will they believe if there is no one preaching to them faster it's okay that I might have some affairs it's natural that I have premarital sex every young person does that everyone.

    Dating spends the night together there's no such a thing as virgins anymore pastors foreign there's only one blessed bed those beds in the wedlock spotless there's only one blessed bed there's only one therefore all the rest are cursed well the bed of the wedlock without response without pornography without abominable things that will be blessed.

    How do you think God sees for some people shown ministers are here and then they have affairs what do you think the person is full of Despair What Spirit are you of the word reminds us many people feign having the spirit of God.

    When you read about Samson judges 13. the Holy Spirit left him and he had no idea that had happened many people lost the spirit and they have no idea they didn't realize that because they were walking in Forbidden places Jesus said there's no communion between Darkness and Light since the very beginning God separated light and darkness since the very beginning.

    It is a very strong word yes yes it is woe unto me if I don't preach it this is Jesus is just around the corner if you need to set your life straight to do it rush and do it no shackles anymore is it beautiful beautiful sentence but you will only leave the dungeon if you take a stand to change.

    The enemy comes to steal kill and is this destroy he chooses what and who will be killed stolen and destroyed by they cannot touch the children of God they can't we have a dome a protection might have wanted to jump into Jesus they couldn't they could only bow down before Jesus okay why greater was he was in Jesus if he who is in you is not greater than he who is in the world woe unto you you.

    Have to be full of the one who is greater something greater than that which is in the world be as shining stars in the midst of this generation you know when the anime will not conquer any other battles in your life when you eliminate every raw material in his hands since and when you bring everything to the lights when you confess everything when you disconnect everything and when you start a new life.

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